• Formation,


Publié le 12 juillet 2019 Mis à jour le 12 juillet 2019

Become an expert in the development of local and traditional food products. Higher education in both Food Science and agribusiness for local and traditional food products.

 The MSc programme combined scientific and technical knowledge and field experience. It provides an in-depth knowledge for traditional and local production.

Food consumption is deeply rooted in the culture and the emotion. Eating is a vital need as it is a means of social integration, a source of pleasure and a reflection of convictions and self-image. In addition, everywhere in the world and in Europe, in particular, local agriculture and local food products are linked to communities, habits and know-hows. Local, traditional food products and products of origin designation are getting a greater attention by many actors (politics, citizens, consumers and tourists). These foods are a gateway to other cultures, people and places. Agriculture, rural development and sustainability are major concerns for governments around the world. In this context, the European Commission has developed quality schemes for these kinds of food products, and more specifically Geographical Indication labels (PDO, PGI and TSG) or other quality labels like organic food and products of mountain. These traditional food products and products of origin are mainly produced in SMEs in a globalised context ruled by international food regulations, European and national policies. The latter are facing certain external and internal challenges and need to further develop their production and marketing skills, within this complicated framework. Consequently, there is a need for experts of the development, protection and promotion of these food products, of having a comprehensive understanding of the situation.

The master Food Identity is a multidisciplinary programme. It trains future experts in the agri-food sector –with an international vision of culture, regulation, market analysis and competences- in food processing, authentication, sensory analysis, quality control, marketing strategy and entrepreneurship. The joint MSc programme is designed to develop both technical and commercial skills through a curriculum focusing on local and traditional food products. It takes place in 4 countries (France, Italy, Romania and Greece). The training combines theory with practical experiences gained through applied work in pilot plants, visits to production sites and to retailers. They work on case studies hand in hand with producers and other professionals. This path gives all the essential elements and tools for a successful development of local and traditional food products from the producers to the consumers within the global market context.